This is day twelve of my Lent 2013 Steam Game Back Catalogue Challenge.
Eets is billed as Lemmings-esque gameplay, but I just couldn’t get into it. Maybe I just haven’t given it enough time. Maybe I was expecting something else. Maybe I just can’t get myself into the right mindset any more. Maybe I just didn’t get far enough into the game to let it shine – I have to admit I didn’t make it to an hour of this one before getting really, really bored.
See, Lemmings always let you feel like a genius for solving some of the levels. You got the feeling that there were several solutions, and you found one of them, or a new one. Eets, from what I have seen, seems to have one, rigid solution. And it just wasn’t as charming as Lemmings always was.
Maybe I’ll search out some gameplay videos on YouTube and hope they inspire me to have another go. But this one didn’t gel with me at all I’m afraid.
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